The Health Benefits of Magnesium

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Magnesium is a very important mineral. It plays a role in multiple processes that affect the function of our brains and our bodies. It is necessary in over 600 reactions, all of which promote our overall health. Yet 80% of Americans are deficient in Magnesium, mostly because historical sources of this vital mineral such as our diets and our soil have been depleted. This is why I recommend adding a form of Magnesium supplement to everyone. I myself have been using this Magnesium spray for months and find that it helps me to reduce stress, relax my muscles, fight fatigue, and get a good night’s rest. To understand why Magnesium is vital to all of those things, here are a few facts to know.

Magnesium may reduce muscle fatigue after exercise.

Magnesium moves blood sugar into muscles and disposes of lactate. Some athletes report improved performance in physical activities, although the evidence remains mixed. However, because it disposes of the lactate by-product from the muscles, it helps reduce fatigue. I like to spray Magnesium after my work-outs to help relax my muscles.

It improves sleep.

Magnesium is involved in transmitting nerve signals and relaxes the muscles and the brain. This has been shown to improve sleep, even for insomniacs or those who experience high-stress, which then helps with improving energy during the day.

Magnesium boosts mood.

Low levels of Magnesium are linked with depression. A study has shown that low levels of the mineral increases risk for depression by 22%. Some trials have shown that increasing daily dose of Magnesium to 450mg results in reduced depression symptoms equivalent to taking anti-depressants.

It helps with PMS.

Magnesium has been shown to help with bloating and fluid retention for menstruating persons. That, coupled with its mood enhancing benefits, is why it is included in this company’s everyday supplement for women 18+.

Magnesium can reduce inflammation.

Chronic inflammation is the cause of many systemic diseases, but Magnesium can help. Low levels have been linked with increased levels of CRP – an inflammatory marker in the blood. Likewise, increasing magnesium intake has shown to decrease CRP. Reducing inflammation can help with alleviating joint pain, reducing cell damage, and preventing disease.

Magnesium helps with insulin resistance.

Type 2 diabetics are usually low in Magnesium mostly because these patients are chronically high in insulin levels, which leads to the loss of Magnesium through the urine. However, increasing the intake of Magnesium has been shown to improve the processing of sugar, thereby lowering the body’s blood sugar levels. It is therefore important for pre-diabetics and diabetics to maintain their magnesium levels.

There you have it! The reasons why we need to add magnesium to our diets or as a supplement are plenty. I should note that the most bioavailable version of magnesium is magnesium citrate, which is the form this company uses.

I, myself, only use The Nue Co.’s Magnesium Spray to help alleviate sore muscles after workouts, reduce stress, and aid in sleep. It one hundred percent works for me! I prefer to ingest my magnesium by altering my diet to include magnesium rich foods rather than taking a supplement. Foods high in magnesium include fish (salmon and mackerel), leafy veggies (like spinach), whole grains, beans and nuts.

If you want to try the Magnesium spray, The Debtist readers get a discount for their first order. Receive 10% off of your first The Nue Co order with the coupon code NUEAFF10. And then let me know what you think!

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